13.003 Computational Geometry and Visualization
Lighting Model
The OpenGL lighting model distinguishes between four types of light,
one of which is internal:
The remaining three light types are external:
- Ambient
- Diffuse
- Intensity dependent on the angle between the light source and the
surface normal.
- Specular
- Intensity dependent on the angle between the light source, the
surface normal, and the viewing direction.
and between the characteristics of the light source and the
material properties of the objects being illuminated.
The color at a vertex is computed as follows:

is the emissive RGB value of the current material
is the ambient RGB value of the lighting model,
i.e. it is not associated with a specific light source
- n is the number of light sources
is the light source constant attenuation coefficient
is the light source linear attenuation coefficient
is the light source quadratic attenuation coefficient
- d is the distance from the vertex to the light source
is the ambient RGB value of the light source
is the ambient RGB value of the material
is the unit vector from the vertex to the light source
is the surface normal vector
is the diffuse RGB value of the light source
is the diffuse RGB value of the material
is the sum
and the vector from the vertex and
the viewpoint
- Sh is the specular exponent of the material
is the specular RGB value of the light source
is the specular RGB value of the material
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