MovieTexture {
exposedField SFBool loop FALSE
exposedField SFFloat speed 1
exposedField SFTime startTime 0
exposedField SFTime stopTime 0
exposedField MFString url []
field SFBool repeatS TRUE
field SFBool repeatT TRUE
eventOut SFFloat duration_changed
eventOut SFBool isActive
- MPEG-1 Systems or Video movies are supported
- If the movie is not running, the first frame should be displayed (or last)
if speed is negative)
- Not streamed by most players so beware of download times
- Textured onto any shaped object!
- If stopTime is less than startTime it is ignored
- If startTime is less than 0 then the movie triggers on loading
- set loop to TRUE and startTime to -1 to play an animation forever