Distributed Information, Computation, and Process Management
for Scientific and Engineering Environments
Workshop Chairman:
M. Patrikalakis, MIT
Program committee:
J. Fortier, University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth
Nikolaou, University of Crete and ICS/FORTH, Greece
R. Robinson, Harvard University
Rossignac, Georgia Institute of Technology
John R. Williams, MIT
Workshop Participants
Workshop Program
Invited Presentations
Position Papers
Executive Summary
Workshop Report
Summary of Workshop Results and Conclusions
Background Material
Photographs from the Workshop
The objective of this Workshop on Distributed Information, Computation, and Process Management for Scientific and Engineering Environments (DICPM) is to bring together scientists involved with the development and utilization of simulations of complex systems and computer scientists working on distributed intelligent repositories and process management. We will be focusing on topics such as
The simulation of complex systems encompasses many domains, including physical systems, such as the oceans and the atmosphere, with a large variety of interacting processes and dynamic geophysical, chemical, and biological phenomena at disparate spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, these simulations may include sophisticated man-made systems encountered in the design and manufacturing of land, air, space, and ocean vehicles.
Advances in the research on these complex systems generate new requirements for computational environments and infrastructure. Examples of these requirements include:
Some of the related computer science issues include:
The goal of the workshop is to stimulate research activities in fundamental technologies that will enable easy access to distributed computational and data resources by scientists and researchers in diverse fields. The workshop's emphasis on cross-disciplinary interoperability should open research avenues that have to date remained uninvestigated.
The DICPM Workshop is organized by
Prof. Nicholas
M. Patrikalakis
Institute of Technology
Department of Ocean Engineering
Design Laboratory.
Sponsorship for the DICPM Workshop is provided by
The DICPM Workshop was funded by the National Science Foundation under grant IIS-9812601. All opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations in any material resulting from this workshop are those of the workshop participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
URL: http://deslab.mit.edu/DesignLab/dicpm/dicpm.html
Last modified: Jan 24, 1999