``Collaborative Design and Visualization''
Prof. Jarek Rossignac
Georgia Institute of Technology, Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
E-mail: jarek@cc.gatech.edu
URL: http://www.gvu.gatech.edu/people/faculty/jarek.rossignac/

In the past, 3D was restricted to specialists having the appropriate skills, professional software, expensive graphics hardware, and access to corporate 3D databases. Real-time graphics on personal computers, quick download of 3D models over the internet, and the standardization of data formats and libraries will open the door to a ``democratization'' of 3D access and will permit to link 3D databases with personal productivity and communication tools. Employees, customers, teachers, and suppliers, although not having any 3D expertise, will be able to use 3D databases for collaborative design reviews, problem solving, and tracking; for 3D-based multi-media problem reports; for online education, training, and documentation; for internet-based part purchasing and subcontracting; for demonstration to customers; or for advertising.

A successful deployment of computer mediated tools for the collaborative design and exploitation of 3D datasets requires major advances on many fronts.