MIT Department of Ocean Engineering

Fabrication Laboratory


Koichi MASUBUCHI Professor, Co-Director
Nicholas PATRIKALAKIS Co-Director, MIT Kawasaki Prof. of Engineering
Roger ANDERSON Graduate Student
Fred BAKER Research Engineer, Lab Manager
Kwang Hee KO Graduate Student
Dr. Takashi MAEKAWA Research Scientist
Dr Shouji TANAKA Visiting Engineer
Guoxin YU Ph.D. Graduate Student
Tony ZONA Technician

Information about the Fabrication Laboratory

Research activities on welding at MIT initiated during the 1930's by a group of faculty members directed by the late Prof. John Wulff at the Department of Metallurgy which is now called the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Professor Koichi Masubuchi joined the faculty of MIT in 1968 after Professor C. M. Adams who was the director of the Welding Laboratory left MIT in 1967. Professor Masubuchi first used the facility at the Welding Laboratory, but he soon started his own laboratory called the Welding Systems Laboratory in the Department of Ocean Engineering. While major research activities of the Welding Laboratory are on joining of materials, with special interest in fundamentals of the materials science, major activities of the Welding Systems Laboratory are on fabrication of marine and aerospace structures. The Welding Systems Laboratory's objective was generalized last year to include other fabrication processes such as plate forming and the laboratory was renamed the MIT Fabrication Laboratory.

The following resources are available to the Fabrication Laboratory members:

Contact Information:

Page created and last updated by FRED BAKER on November 28, 1998