
The Design Lab computing environment consists of a cluster of nine networked SGI workstations.

SGI Personal IRIS 4D/35TG SGI
Personal IRIS 4D/35TG fireb, kedros

SGI Indigo R4400 SGI IRIS
Indigo R4400 deslab, fetus

SGI Indy R4400 frock, fucus

SGI Indy R5000 SGI Indy R5000 albacore, famly

SGI Onyx Reality Engine SGI
Onyx Reality Engine fornix

All machines are running IRIX (a varient of Unix System V) and have a full complement of development tools and networking applications and systems software.

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MIT Ocean Engineering Design Laboratory

Copyright © 1996, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
URL: http://deslab.mit.edu/DesignLab/facilities.html
Revised: November 1, 1996