Department of Ocean Engineering

Resume of Dr. Takashi Maekawa

Research Scientist and Lecturer
Department of Ocean Engineering, Design Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Ph.D. in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, June 1993
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Thesis: Robust Computational Methods for Shape Interrogation
Ocean Engineer's Degree in Ocean Engineering, June 1987
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Thesis: Dynamic and Fatique Analysis of Compliant Risers
M.S. in Mechanical Enegineering, March 1978
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Thesis: Analysis of Lunate-Tail Swimming Propulsion
B.S. in Mechanical Enegineering, March 1976
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Thesis: Attitude Control System of Under-Water Vehicle

Research Interests

Professional Experience

Research Scientist and Lecturer, MIT
1994 - Present

Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
1993 - 1994

Research Assistant, MIT
1989 - 1993

Senior Engineer, Bridgestone Corporation, Tokyo Japan
1978 - 1989

Selected Journal Publications

  1. "Design and Tessellation of B-Spline Developable Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, J. S. Chalfant, Journal of Mechanical Design, ASME Transactions. To appear.

  2. "Design for Manufacturing Using B-Spline Developable Surfaces" by J. S. Chalfant, T. Maekawa, Journal of Ship Research . To appear.

  3. "Computation of Inflection Lines and Geodesics on Developable Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, J. S. Chalfant, Mathematical Engineering in Industry . To appear.

  4. "Analysis and Application of Pipe Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, T. Sakkalis, G. Yu and N. M. Patrikalakis, Computer Aided Geometric Design . Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 437-458, 1998.

  5. "Self-intersections of Offsets of Quadratic Surfaces: Part I, Explicit Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, Engineering with Computers. Vol. 14, pp. 1-13, 1998.

  6. "Self-intersections of Offsets of Quadratic Surfaces: Part II, Implicit Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, Engineering with Computers. Vol. 14, pp. 14-22, 1998.

  7. "Computation of Self-intersections of Offsets of Bezier Surface Patches" by T. Maekawa, W. Cho, N. M. Patrikalakis, Journal of Mechanical Design, ASME Transactions. Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 275-283, June 1997.

  8. "Computation of Shortest Paths on Free-Form Parametric Surfaces" by T. Maekawa, Journal of Mechanical Design, ASME Transactions. Vol. 118 No. 4 pages 499-508, December 1996.

  9. "Umbilics and Lines of Curvature for Shape Interrogation" by T. Maekawa, F. -E. Wolter and N. M. Patrikalakis, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 13 No. 2, pages 133-161, March 1996.

  10. "Computation of Singularities and Intersections of Offsets of Planar Curves" by T. Maekawa and N. M. Patrikalakis, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 10 No. 5 pages 407-429, October 1993.

  11. "Interrogation of Differential Geometry Properties for Design and Manufacture" by T. Maekawa and N. M. Patrikalakis, The Visual Computer, 10 No.4 pages 216-237, March 1994.

Dr. Takashi Maekawa
Department of Ocean Engineering
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 5-426A
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
(617) 253-6762

Last modified: July 16, 1998