Tracing Intersection Curve Segment:

After having estimated the starting point of an intersection curve segment, we need to integrate the system of governing ODEs to obtain the intersection curve segment in the parametric space of each of the surfaces. This curve is then further mapped into the 3D model space to obtain intersection curve segment in the 3D model space.

Issues during Tracing:

The points of the intersection curves are computed successively by integrating the initial value problem for a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations using standard numerical techniques such as the Runge-Kutta method, Taylor series method or the Adams-Bashforth method. But when two intersection curves are close to each other, then step size selection becomes complex and incorrect step size may lead to a critical problem, straying or looping, which is illustrated in Figure 1, 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows the looping phenomenon when the Runge-Kutta method is used to solve an initial value problem where we have two intersecting surfaces.

straying or looping
runge kutta looping
Adams Bashforth method
Fig.3. An example of  straying in Adams Bashforth method.

We list the main issues while tracing.

Tracing Surface Intersection with Validated Error Bounds:

We specifically are able to solve some of the above problem with the application of a validated ODE solver.  This method we have devised enables us to obtain validated error bounds for SSI in 3D model space. The figure given below descibes the flow chart describing the method.

valid ssi in tracing intersection

Last modified on 01-30-2005 by
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